Coffees like espressos and lattes are traditionally served hot, but a new trend is taking over the coffee scene. That trend is what we will be discussing today; cold brew coffee! This refreshing and delicious beverage is packed full of caffeine and is just perfect for sunny summer mornings.
You can find cold brew coffee at most coffee shops, but did you know that you can also make it at home? Join us as we dive into the amazing world of cold brew coffee!

1. Why Should I Make Cold Brew Rather Than Buying?
There are a number of reasons why homemade cold brews are becoming more and more popular. One of the main reasons is affordability. Cold brew coffee in coffee shops, especially fancy ones, is extremely expensive. On the other hand, making your own cold brew is very cheap and easy.
Another reason why people cold brew coffee at home is adjustability. When buying cold brews in coffee shops, you are less able to customise them. This is in stark contrast with homemade cold brews where you can adjust recipes as per your preferences. Everything from the type of coffee bean used, flavour strength, temperature, and even additives can be customised.
The last reason for homebrewing cold brew coffee is easy availability. To buy cold brews from coffee shops you would have to either go out and buy it yourself or pay someone to deliver it. Making and storing cold brews at home makes handling any sudden need for a caffeine boost that much easier.
2. Cold Brew Coffee Fun Facts
- Cold brew is less acidic than hot coffee. This is because the lack of heat means that the oils in the beans are not released, therefore resulting in lower acid content.
- You can use any kind of coffee to make cold brew (this includes both Robusta and Arabica coffee beans).
- Cold brew coffee has a higher caffeine content than traditional coffees. This is because their coffee to water ratio is much higher.
- You can store cold brew coffee for weeks in the refrigerator.
- The longer the brewing time, the stronger your cold brew will taste.
3. Ratio For Making Cold Brew
You will need 28 grams of ground coffee for each cup of water. This will allow the flavour of your coffee to pop while also making sure it is not too strong. We also highly recommend using coarsely ground coffee since steeping fine coffee grounds for such a long time will result in a very bitter – tasting liquid.
4. Ingredients And Equipment You Will Need
Here are the different equipment and ingredients you will need to create a perfect and refreshing cold brew coffee:
- Grinder
- Mason jar
- Filter / strainer
- ¾ cups of whole coffee beans
- 3 cups of water
- Ice
5. Steps To Create A Delicious Cold Brew
Follow the following steps if you want to make an amazing cold brew coffee:
- Place your whole coffee beans in the grinder. Use the coarse setting and follow your machine’s instructions to create the coarse coffee ground.
- Add your ground coffee and water into a mason jar or any other wide – mouthed container.
- Stir the mixture using a spoon. Let it rest for 5 minutes before stirring it again.
- Put on the lid of the container and place the container in the fridge.
- Let the coffee steep for 12 – 24 hours; the longer your steeping time, the stronger your cold brew concentrate will be.
- Once the time elapses, take out the container and pour its contents into another container through a filter or strainer.
- Let the mixture rest for a while
- Pour your cold brew into cups and add ice if you wish to serve immediately. You can also store it for 2 weeks in the fridge and consume it later.
6. Straining Methods
There are a few ways to strain your coffee. One of the best is to use thin, basket-type paper filters. This filter will quickly separate any coffee grounds from your mixture while the thinness will allow coffee to move faster through the filter. If you don’t have access to paper filters, you can use any clean and lint-free handkerchief for straining.