Black coffee can be served hot or cold. It’s a strong, rich, and refreshing beverage that can help you start your day. Black coffee has several health benefits, including weight loss. Black coffee is also high in antioxidants, which is good for skin health. Black coffee is traditionally made using fresh coffee beans that have been ground coarsely and it is enjoyed without creamer or milk.

We’ve included a recipe for both hot and iced black coffee in this recipe. The hot version will perk up your morning breakfast, while the ice version will keep you cool during the summer. We have included detailed step-by-step instructions to help you complete the task at home.
1. What is black coffee?
As we all know, black coffee is a popular beverage all over the world that is normally made without the addition of milk or creamer. It’s made with freshly ground coffee beans that have been brewed in boiling water for a long time. Although the hot version is more popular, preparing them cold (iced) with instant or fresh coffee powder would be refreshing on a hot summer day.
2. Ingredients
- Fresh coffee beans, grind coarsely. If you’re using instant coffee powder, we suggest choosing the best instant coffee powder.
- Hot water (85 – 90 degree celcius for a better cup). If you don’t have a thermometer, boil the water and then set it aside for 30 seconds.
- Brown sugar. You can also replace it with sweeteners or honey.
- Ice cubes. If you’re making an ice version.
3. How to make black coffee
To make a hot black coffee, bring filtered water to a boil in a pot until it reaches 85 to 90 degrees Celsius.
Add 30 grams of ground coffee and 1 teaspoon of brown sugar. In a coffee mug, pour 300 liters of water.
In the coffee mug, combine both ingredients and pour in the boiling hot water. Stir well and serve immediately. You can also change the sweetener to suit your preferences.
Increase the coffee ground dose and use less water if you prefer a stronger cup of coffee.
4. How to drink black coffee
When picking a black coffee, there are a few factors to keep in mind, but the most crucial is to avoid using mass-produced grocery store coffee (especially instant coffee powder).
Here are some of the most important factors to consider while selecting an excellent black coffee.
- Use whole beans
For the greatest flavor in your coffee grounds, get your dark roast coffee in small quantities. A roasted bean is only fresh for around two weeks.
- Try not to add sugar
You might be tempted to add sugar to a strong cup of coffee. Don’t. Adding sugar masks the natural flavor of brewed coffee, implying that you aren’t really appreciating the coffee for what it is. Sugar tends to drown out the coffee’s nuanced aromas and flavors.
- Choose from the best coffee roaster
It’s crucial to know what you’re drinking. A professional roaster will be able to advise you on the best beans for black coffee. They will also tell you the flavor profile of the coffee so that the flavor matches your preferences.
- Start with a light roast coffee
If you’re not used to black coffee, light roast coffee is a smart choice because it’s less bitter and more acceptable than dark roast coffee. Light roasts are a touch more acidic and have a brighter, flowery flavor than dark roasts. Start with light and medium roasts and work your way up to dark roasts as your palate adjusts.