Alongside Robusta beans, Arabica beans make up a huge majority of the world’s coffee industry. A massive 60% of all coffee farms produce Arabica coffee beans.
These beans are also notoriously difficult to grow, which is why it is more expensive than Robusta beans. Despite being pricier, Arabica coffee is still the most popular type of coffee among caffeine lovers out there.
So why do people love Arabica coffee so much? There are actually a few reasons:

1. Tastes Better Than Robusta Beans
Coffee made from Arabica beans generally tastes better than coffee brewed from Robusta beans. Arabica coffee is less bitter, due to lower caffeine content, and has a much sweeter flavour. It is also usually more velvety and creamier than any other type of coffee.
2. It Is Considered A Higher Quality Bean
We all love high quality stuff.
Whether it is a designer bag or a high – end car, a lot of people choose to enjoy the most premium option they can afford. The same principle applies here to coffee.
Arabica is considered the better quality bean when compared to Robusta beans due to its lower caffeine composition and delicate flavour. So it is of little wonder why Arabica beans are the most popular coffee beans in the world.
3. Flavour Diversity
Arabica beans are very popular among specialty coffee shops due to their flavour diversity.
You can create different tastes using different brewing and roasting techniques, such as adding a touch of chocolatey flavour, a dash of fruitiness, or a hint of a caramel aftertaste. This allows baristas and roasters to fully express their creative thoughts and design a wide array of coffee menus.
4. Reduces Glucose Levels
Most of the time, if something is tasty it is usually bad for you. But did you know that Arabica-based coffee is both tasty and healthy?
One of the health benefits of drinking Arabica coffee is that it helps reduce glucose levels. Studies conducted on rats have proven this. A more comprehensive human – based study is probably required to confirm this, but Arabica coffee can likely be used in fighting diabetes.
5. It Helps Prevent Cancer
Arabica coffee contains antioxidant properties. If you don’t know what these are, antioxidants are substances that destroy the free radicals in our bodies that are responsible for destroying cells and promoting cancer. Research has shown that drinking a cup of arabica-based coffee daily can drastically reduce your chances of developing cancer.
6. Improves Oral Health
Coffee brewed from Arabica beans contains a compound called chlorogenic acid. This acid works together with the caffeine to fight a bacteria often found in people’s mouths: lactobacillus acidophilus.
This bacteria is responsible for a number of oral health problems including tooth cavities. Thus, drinking a moderate amount of Arabica coffee can help improve your oral health.
7. Contains A Multitude Of Vitamins And Minerals
A major health benefit of Arabica coffee is that it contains a large number of vitamins and minerals. These include Vitamin B, Vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, manganese, niacin, and many more.
Vitamins and minerals are considered by scientists as vital requirements for having a healthy body, and a lot of people often lack these substances. Well now, you can cover a portion of your daily mineral and vitamin needs by simply drinking a cup of Arabica in the morning!