Singapore is getting hotter by the day and one of the best ways to cool down is through a cold cup of coffee. However, the problem with iced coffee is that it often ends up tasting too bitter and feels too watery due to the melting ice.
A great solution to this problem would be to start drinking cold brew coffee. Unlike iced coffee, they don’t have to contain ice to be cool. You also don’t need exceptional barista-like skills to make them.
So strap in as we tell you how to make cold brew coffee at home.

1. What Is Cold Brew?
Cold brew coffee seems to be all the rage over the last few years. One of the reasons for this is that it is so different from the conventional way of brewing coffee.
Usually, you would use hot water to brew your beans and produce the coffee liquid. Cold brew coffee goes in the opposite direction as it uses cold or room temperature water to extract the coffee liquid from your beans.
2. Why Should You Cold Brew?
One of the main reasons cold brew is so popular is due to its sweet flavour and silky texture.
Coffee beans contain certain chemical compounds that cause the stereotypical bitterness and sourness in coffee. These compounds are released into the coffee liquid by hot water. With cold brewing, these compounds are not released since we don’t use hot water to brew, thus the sweeter flavour.
Cold brew also generally has lower acidity than regular coffee. This makes it the perfect choice for those suffering from stomach issues.
Lastly, as we mentioned earlier cold brew is already cold without the need for ice. This means that cold brew is a great refreshing beverage to drink for hot summer days.
3. Ingredients And Equipment
- Grinder
- Container / pitcher
- Strainer
- Cold or room temperature water
- Coffee beans
- Optional additives
4. Steps to Make Cold Brew At Home
There are 2 ways to make cold brew, namely the immersion method and the slow – drip method. However, the slow – drip method requires more equipment and space, as well as being generally tougher to pull off in a home setting.
So, we will only be discussing the immersion method:
- Grind a cup of coffee beans using your grinder. You can also purchase ready – made coffee grounds from any local coffee shops
- Pour the coffee ground into your container or pitcher
- Add cold or room temperature water (ground to water ratio ideally should be 1:4)
- Cover your container and place it in the fridge for about 12 hours to allow the coffee to be extracted
- Remove the container from your fridge and use a coffee strainer or cheesecloth to strain the coffee ground
- If you don’t plan to serve it immediately, place it in another container and place it back in the fridge. It can last for up to a week
- When serving, pour it into a cup and add any additives of your choice (water, milk, sugar, syrup, etc)
5. Tips For Making The Perfect Cold Brew
- Make sure the coffee ground you use was ground using the coarse setting. This is because fine, powder-like coffee grounds may end up being over-extracted and the resulting coffee will be muddy and bitter.
- Always steep for at least 12 hours to make sure the coffee is fully infused with the water. You can increase this fridge time up to 24 hours to make it more bitter. Steeping for more than 24 hours has no added benefit.
- Use filtered water not only for cold brew but when making any coffee in general. The resulting texture will be smoother and the taste more clean and sweet.